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Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition

Authors of the book: Eric Matthes


"Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition" by Eric Matthes is a comprehensive guide designed for beginners to quickly grasp Python programming through hands-on projects. This edition, updated for 2023, includes new features and tools such as VS Code, pathlib for file handling, and the latest in Matplotlib, Plotly, and Django. Whether you're new to programming or looking to refresh your skills, this book is considered one of the best book reads for learning Python efficiently.

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Chapter Breakdown

Part I: Basics

  1. Getting Started

    • Introduction to Python, setting up the development environment, and running your first Python program.
  2. Variables and Simple Data Types

    • Understanding variables, data types, and basic operations in Python.
  3. Introducing Lists

    • Creating and manipulating lists, accessing elements, and using list methods.
  4. Working with Lists

    • Looping through lists, list comprehensions, and advanced list operations.
  5. If Statements

    • Writing conditional tests, if-else chains, and boolean expressions.
  6. Dictionaries

    • Creating dictionaries, accessing and modifying values, and looping through dictionaries.
  7. User Input and While Loops

    • Handling user input, writing while loops, and controlling loop flow with break and continue statements.
  8. Functions

    • Defining functions, passing arguments, and using return values.
  9. Classes

    • Introduction to object-oriented programming, creating classes and objects, and inheritance.
  10. Files and Exceptions

    • Reading from and writing to files, handling exceptions, and working with JSON data.
  11. Testing Your Code

    • Writing tests using unittest, test-driven development, and debugging techniques.

Part II: Projects

  1. A Ship That Fires Bullets

    • Creating a 2D game using Pygame, handling sprite movements, and collision detection.
  2. Aliens!

    • Expanding the game with more features, including alien enemies, levels, and scoring.
  3. Scoring

    • Implementing a scoring system, high scores, and displaying the game score on screen.
  4. Generating Data

    • Visualizing data with Matplotlib and Plotly, creating simple plots and charts.
  5. Downloading Data

    • Working with external data sources, downloading data from APIs, and handling CSV files.
  6. Working with APIs

    • Introduction to APIs, making API requests, and processing API responses.
  7. Getting Started with Django

    • Building web applications with Django, setting up a project, and creating views and templates.
  8. User Accounts

    • Adding user authentication, managing user accounts, and securing web applications.
  9. Styling and Deploying an App

    • Applying CSS for styling, using Bootstrap, and deploying Django applications online.
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"Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to dive into Python programming. With its clear explanations and practical projects, it remains one of the best book reads for both beginners and experienced programmers looking to solidify their understanding of Python.

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